Über Uns
Von Ecuador nach München: Tradition trifft Nachhaltigkeit
SONRIZA ist eine ethische Marke, die das Beste aus zwei Welten vereint: die handwerkliche Kunst Ecuadors und die Moderne Europas. Unsere Mission ist es, hochwertige, nachhaltige Produkte zu schaffen, die nicht nur schön sind, sondern auch eine positive soziale Wirkung haben – von handgefertigter Slow Fashion bis hin zu exquisiter Bean-to-Bar-Schokolade aus Edelkakao.
Wir arbeiten direkt mit Kunsthandwerkern und kleinen Produzenten aus Ecuador zusammen, die in kleinen Werkstätten und Familienbetrieben arbeiten, um authentische, hochwertige Produkte zu schaffen. Jedes Stück erzählt eine Geschichte von Tradition, Kultur und Hoffnung – von Ecuador nach Europa.
Unser Name „SONRIZA“ setzt sich aus den spanischen Worten „sonrisa“ (Lächeln) und „Esperanza“ (Hoffnung) zusammen, weil wir glauben, dass ein Lächeln die universelle Sprache ist, die Menschen verbindet.

Our Mission
... is to empower Ecuadorian artisans and farmers by preserving their cultural heritage and creating sustainable job opportunities. Through unique products, we share Ecuadorian tradition with Europe, making a positive impact on the lives of our creators. Moreover, we invite our customers to value the product, explore the techniques of craftsmanship, and connect with the story behind it.

Our Vision
...is to bridge Ecuadorian artisans, artists, and farmers with conscious consumers in Europe. We aim to create a synergistic marketplace for unique, artisanal products and support women's empowerment and dignified menstruation, making a global impact.
We connect you with artisans, artists, farmers and chocolate makers from Ecuador through our unique handmade products that have a story to tell.

Hola! I´m Sofia
the strategic and creative head at SONRIZA. As the founder, I'm on a mission to uncover heartwarming stories and products from Ecuador - my home country - that bring to Europe smiles and create social impacts. I'm not alone on this journey – I have a talented team by my side. Learn more about them on our website, and join us in spreading positivity and making connections through Ecuador's artisanal treasures. We're thrilled to have you with us!
What means SONRIZA?
SONRIZA is coming from the fusion of two Spanish words, "sonrisa" (smile) and "esperanza" (hope) because we believe that we all smile in the same language and smiles connect people.
At SONRIZA, our brand is guided by four core values
Economical impact
We collaborate directly with artisans and small businesses in Ecuador, where every product helps uplift local communities. More than 90% of our products are created by hardworking women, many of them moms, living in rural areas with limited job opportunities. Every purchase contributes to their extra income, which goes directly into improving the lives of their children and families.
Individual stories
We celebrate the uniqueness of each product, showcasing the artistic and cultural skills of our artisans. Every piece is carefully handcrafted, ensuring its one-of-a-kind essence. Nature and people inspires us, and you'll discover its story woven into every item.
Celebrating diversity
Our world is so diverse and we celebrate the connection between cultures, promoting diversity, the exchange of traditions, and knowledge in different areas. You can witness this diversity in our products and models. Together, we share and learn from one another.
Social impact
At the core of our mission is creating a tangible impact. Many women are integral partners in this journey, and together, we empower our bodies and minds. A portion of our profits is committed to supporting menstrual health initiatives and providing menstrual products to rural communities in Ecuador.

Our Social Impact: Let´s talk about menstruation
A share of each purchase is dedicated to funding menstrual health workshops in rural areas in Ecuador.
Discover our products made by our talented artisans
Limited t-shirt collection
Welcome to our Limited T-Shirt Collection! Our hand-embroidered t-shirts are made in...
Get unique accesories hand made by skilled artisans. Our pieces with stories...
HUMA chocolate | 70% cacao from Ecuador | Bean-to-Bar Chocolate
Wir arbeiten direkt mit HUMA Chocolate, einem Bean-to-Bar-Spezialisten, der Single-Origin-Kakao aus den...